Barley is an important cereal worldwide, and Europe is by far the largest producer with a large part for the malting industry. Through its involvement and expertise in malt, beer and distilling chains, Limagrain Europe has a leading position on the malting barley seed market.
More than 20 years of innovation
Since its launch in 1998, Pearl has been an exceptional 2-row winter variety, with good malting quality, stiff straw and good disease resistance. It is still a popular variety in the United Kingdom.

A diversified line-up
- Limagrain Europe offers a variety range covering the main segments (spring barley, 2-row winter barley, 6-row winter barley) and all uses thanks to its strong involvement and knowledge of the malt, beer and distilling chain.
- The line-up includes varieties with a broad spectrum of tolerance to biotic stresses such as the barley yellow-dwarf virus (BYDV) , barley mosaic virus (BYMV), brown rust, rhynchosporium, and net bloch.
The LG barley line-up
"I’ve been a customer of Limagrain for 20 years, and its LG barley varieties allow our brewers to sell the best beers in the world!"
Vaclav, a farmer in the Czech Republic